GAA Competition “What GAA Means to Me!”

Theme: What The GAA Means To Me!

Announcing an exciting competition for all our underage members!
We want to know what GAA means to you!
Get your creative hats on to support your club and be in with the chance to win some fantastic prizes with the support of the Portlaoise Plaza!
The deadline for entries is 21st July! Best of luck.
There’s also a special category for entries from our Townies living abroad so spread the word!

How to enter:

  1. Please design a poster using paint/pencils/crayons/markers or whatever you like!
  2. Write about your own funny or interesting GAA story or memory. 
  3. Write a poem about “What GAA means to me”

Deadline for Entries: Thursday July 21st 2022. 

Prize: Entries will be displayed in the Portlaoise Plaza during the Summer holidays with the winning entries going on display for an entire year and Portlaoise GAA Club Gear.

You can do the poster, story & poem or just do one.
Entries limited to 4 – 18 year olds.

Some entries will also be used for a forthcoming fundraising book.

Please send entries to with the subject “What The GAA Means To Me”

Download Help sheet 

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