Returning to Rathleague – Our Home from Home

The good news is that it looks like we can finally begin planning on-field activity for the rest of 2021.


Juvenile Club Players

On 30th March it was announced that non-contact underage training in pods of 15 will be permitted from Monday April 26th 2021, subject to conditions. All players in the club up the age of 17 (in 2021) will hopefully be contacted by their team coach with further details about their training shortly. It is important that all memberships are up to date before returning to use the facilities in Rathleague. All Adult members can register on the club website and juvenile members can register with Clubforce, as in previous years.


Senior Club Players

On Thursday 8th April, the GAA announced its’ Master Fixtures List. From a club point of view, it is noted that the County and Provincial Club Championships will be played in the months of September, October, November, and December with the All-Ireland Club Finals scheduled for February 2022. Club championships can begin once the county has been eliminated from the championship. All senior players are reminded that they must register as soon as possible. All members are encouraged to renew their membership with the purchase of a County Board ticket, as this is a significant fundraiser for the Club.

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